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Menu Midleton Very Rare - Unlocking a Piece of the Old Midleton Distillery Story Nearly 200 Years On
We are delighted to welcome you to the Midleton Very Rare 1825 Room, the private home of the Midleton Very Rare appreciator. As a member of the 1825 Room you will have the opportunity to purchase exclusive whiskeys only available to members, discover stories on the history of Midleton Distillery and the world of Midleton Very Rare, delve into limited edition interviews with our Masters, and ‘of course’ be the first to hear of Midleton Very Rare releases.

We’re a veritable warehouse of rare whiskey knowledge. Why not start by indulging the senses with our in-depth tasting notes, discovering a rarely seen cask finish, or exploring new releases with the guidance of our Masters, and then raise a glass to the only source of Midleton Very Rare information you’ll ever need. 
Step into the 1825 Room and let us open the doors of Midleton Distillery to you.

Unlocking a Piece of the Old Midleton Distillery Story Nearly 200 Years On

From 1825 to 1975, the Old Midleton Distillery was a hub of craftsmanship, expertise and burning passion. As barrels crept up its walls, craftspeople lined its halls and the world’s largest pot still stood proudly at its heart, this distillery was truly a sight to behold. Despite its importance in Irish, and global, whiskey history, even the greatest stories must come to an end, and in 1975 the doors of the Old Midleton Distillery were locked forever—never to be opened again. Its prominence never to be repeated. While Midleton Distillery has learned from all that came before and has grown to immeasurable heights with these learnings and the legacy that times gone by have taught, there is one part of our oldest story that is not yet complete.

When the key was turned in the Old Midleton Distillery for the last time in 1975, it became an iconic part of Irish distilling legend. The doors were locked forever, and to this day the distillery lies silent, never to operate again. While the intricacies of the Old Midleton Distillery will remain fondly in the minds and hearts of those who worked and still work at Midleton Distillery to this day, there is one part of the Old Midleton Distillery’s epic story that can still be experienced—the Silent Distillery Collection.

The Silent Distillery Collection contains six whiskeys, ranging from 45 to 50 years old, and is a testament to the rarity and luxury that Midleton Very Rare offers. This is the oldest ever whiskey collection from Midleton and this legendary silent distillery that represents the final drops from this inimitable place, and a taste of whiskey history that is irreplaceable. 

From the beginning of this exciting story, told through limited releases of six indescribable and rare whiskeys, the craft that positioned the Old Midleton Distillery as the epicentre of whiskey mastery has been reborn to be remembered forever. Over the last 6 years, fortuitus whiskey connoisseurs and collectors have taken one of the last remaining pieces of the Old Midleton Distillery home with them, and as the story of the Silent Distillery Collection comes to its penultimate chapter, this exact opportunity will never come again.

The Old Midleton Distillery was the home of the craftsmanship and skill that has made Midleton Very Rare what it is today, and our Silent Distillery Collection is a collector’s opportunity to taste and savour this rare and luxurious piece of history for themselves. Learn more about your opportunity to purchase this piece of whiskey history here.