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After 45 unhurried years, from its timbered haven, a veiled masterpiece arises – Midleton Very Rare Silent Distillery Collection. This collection honours the very last drops of this inimitable spirit before the distillery went silent forever.

A ‘silent’ distillery is one that has closed its doors and been lost to ages past, achieving almost mythical status. As rumours of this ‘unicorn’ whiskey swirl around the whiskey world, these precious bottlings have become highly sought after by whiskey enthusiasts. A traditional distillery, Old Midleton Distillery was famous throughout the world for Irish whiskey, but when it closed its doors for the last time in 1975, it became an iconic part of Irish distilling legend.

While other silent distilleries have re-opened and been brought back to life, Old Midleton has been fully decommissioned and will never produce again. Midleton Very Rare Silent Distillery Chapter One will be the first official release from Old Midleton Distillery in 16 years and the collection represents some of the last drops of this inimitable spirit before the distillery closed its doors forever.

Master Distiller Emeritus Barry Crockett, son of Max Crockett, recalls sourcing the peat for this 45 year old expression, which will be the last peated whiskey ever from Old Midleton Distillery. During this time, Barry was learning his trade from his father, Max Crockett, the ‘forefather’ of modern-day Irish whiskey. In recent years it has been the work of Master Distiller Emeritus Brian Nation to monitor, sample and determine the ideal bottling time for this rare whiskey laid down by his predecessors. New Master Distiller Kevin O’Gorman will take the helm for the second coveted release. Midleton Very Rare Silent Distillery Collection represents a unique opportunity to taste the work of four legends.

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